Osteopathic clinic servicing Chatswood
March 12, 2020
Being an Osteopath since 2002 and having worked in Chatswood since 2014, I finally made the move to open my own clinic in 2019 to build on the success I’ve had with a large number of clients.
My aim from the beginning has been to create a welcoming space for people to visit and receive the highest level of care and attention focusing on pain and symptom resolution while also educating on the ‘why and how’ these problems arise.
The Body Project is currently the only Osteopathic clinic in Chatswood which services 4 days a week and taking in new clients. Since opening we’ve welcomed Weoi Low as our associate osteopath and Jerry Gobel, our very talented remedial massage and myo-therapist.
I hope to continue growing the clinic with exceptional team members, referring practitioners and trainers alike with the aim of extending the level of service and tailoring treatments to maximise both the effectiveness of treatments as well as the overall experience of helping people understand their bodies.
Thank you if you have been a part of the clinic and community to date. If you’re thinking that paying us a visit might help you achieve your health goals, then give us a call 02 9884 8758 or book a consultation online.